Kaleidoscope Creations

thecutstudio @ gmail . com

Sunday, March 2, 2025

threading an old Kenmore

Ignore the straw on the needle screw. The arm of my walking foot was eating into the screw so I had to put a 'protector' on it.  

Click on the photos and you can see them larger. 

Step 1 - bring thread left and around thread guide.

Step 2 - Down right side next to tension dial

 Step 3- up left side

 Step 4 - to the right of the hook and go behind

Step 5 - bring thread to the left, catching hook

Step 6 - Bring thread back down

Step 7 - Bring thread to back of metal loop

Step 8 - pull forward and thread should catch into front loop

 Step 9 - thread needle from front to back


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