Friday, February 6, 2015

trash to treasure

I had thought for quite some time that the style of this tampon box was pretty cool. So today I finally covered the box over. It will fit A2 sized cards so you can keep cards in it or blanks for making cards. Unfortunately, it is sized to only fit cards and not envelopes which are a bit larger.
(side note: this was a brand new box I removed the contents from. No 'dirty' hands touched this box. LOL)
*Click the image to view larger.*  Sorry for the bad photo, I was losing daylight at the end.

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely box - I'm really into making boxes on my Silhouette Cameo these days, and since I don't have any reason to buy this product for myself, might just give the contents to dd or granddaughter, lol.


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