Friday, May 16, 2014

Toadstool Twine Holders

I recently came across a picture of some cute little toadstools with twine wrapped around the stem. Apparently the blogger actually bought them on Etsy. They appear to be made from little wood spools and a wooden half ball. I thought these are so cute and I had been thinking of changing up my twine storage. But of course, I always see what I can do with what I have on hand. And it's things like this as to why I save a lot of 'crap'. LOL  Click photos to enlarge.

Here's what I started with. Mini dowels - I have no idea how I ended up with these but I've had a little package of them for quite awhile. Mini Christmas ornaments. These harken all the way back to when I was 14 years old and bought a mini tree and ornaments for my family. I stopped using them for any decorating years ago but held onto them. They're styrofoam so all I had to do was pull the silky thread covering off and cut the in half. I cut the mini dowels in half and inserted the cut end into the flat side of the styrofoam.  I poked the hole first with the dowel, took it back and put some hot glue in the hole before reinserting the dowel. There was a hole on the top of the ball so I filled it in with some hot glue.

Then I painted the underside and stems a cream color and the tops different colors for my twine. I didn't worry about an exact match though some are pretty close. Wrapped the twine around the stem leaving a bit of space at the bottom.

Then I found this old piece of wood in the shed. I cut it to length and drilled holes for my stems. The spacing was measured first and since I was covering it, it didn't matter about any pencil lines or marks and I didn't concern myself with sanding it.

 I covered it with pretty paper, trimmed the side out with wide ribbon that wrapped under the bottom edge, and glued a piece of watercolor paper over the bottom. (I didn't have a large enough piece of chipboard.)

Voila! A cute little twin holder and some repurposed memorabilia!


  1. Love these!! Now if I just had an empty shelf ... Great idea for upcycling some uhm, stuff. TFS

  2. Very cute and creative! Like Carolyn, wish I had a shelf for some of these.


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