Saturday, March 31, 2012

Raise your hand...

If you actually read my posts. LOL I have a lot of followers, which I absolutely appreciate. I just wonder how many stop and read when I post since so few comment and sometimes none at all.
So please, raise your hand if I'm not just talking to myself. LOL I even took down the security measures awhile ago (for now - unless I get spammed) to make it easier to leave a comment.


  1. Present and accounted for!!! :) I read your posts...maybe not right away, but within a day or two of your posting them.

  2. Ok, i thought I had them turned off. Unless blogger changed my settings. But I fixed it.

  3. Yeah, is it NOT frustrating?! I read your other blog, ramblings about nothing in particular, LOL. Probably because rambling about nothing in particular is my forte, LOL!! Rock on, Tam!

  4. At least you have followers, lol !


Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment.