Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Embellishment shelf

Ok, it's not done yet but I couldn't wait to show it. LOL The glue is drying and tomorrow I'll add a little more glue around where the shelves meet the side and I'll need to glue on the back. The wood is too thin to use nails. I got a piece of balsa wood at Michaels with a coupon (made it under $2) and I cut the shelves from that. (THAT was a royal pain!) The sides I cut from a piece of wood I already had (actually, it's subflooring that they put down before laying vinyl flooring LOL). I planned out the shelf to actual size on a piece of 12 x 12 paper to fit my containers. It's approximately 12 x 11 inches. All the tic tac containers hold eyelets (and yes, they really had tic tacs in them - I would buy the holiday 5 packs with a coupon at JoAnn's LOL). The little plastic jars hold a variety of other little things. They were shampoo and whatnot jars from a hotel. They smell nice. LOL I may paint the shelf white but I might leave it as is for now.


  1. WOW sista friend! You did a really good job!
    I'm very impressed! :D See all my teeth?

    (hug) Good to see you posting. :) TR


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